Friday, April 5, 2019

Final Reflections

   I remember sitting in class during the first quarter of school, when we had to decide who we were working with for the foundation portfolio. I decided to work alone, and immediately regretted it. I heard it was too much to do alone and that I was going to be screwed. Obviously this stressed me out, but now as I am writing my final blog posting, I can say that it really was not that bad. The amount of time in and out of class, plus the schedule for the blog posts made this really easy. There were a few notable projects during this process. First, the moment I decided on my original story. I thought of it and began writing the script, it flowed right out of me. Another notable moment was after the second peer review session we had. This helped me realize that my plot was missing something. I made the appropriate changes. And I would say that the last notable moment has to be when I finished my first cut. This was the first time I watched the whole thing from start to finish, and I was just relieved. I really didn't make that many changes throughout this process, besides after the second peer review session, when I decided to add the mysterious substance into the plot.

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Final Project

  The final project can be viewed by clicking on the hyperlink below.    DROPS  (Youtube)    DROPS  (Google Drive)