Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Props and Set design

   It just came into my mind that I have not really thought about set design or props at all. So today, I want to go through everything I need and how I am going to design my scenes. First, all of the scenes in my opening besides the tent scene are filmed outdoors. So for the most part, I won't have much options in set design in the woods. But during these outdoor scenes, I need to ensure that the4 actors all wearing appropriate clothing, and have props the match the scene. I was thinking like hunting clothes, since that's what people wear when they go camping. I also need to find backpacks that I can throw sleeping bags and other camping items in. As for the camping scene, I want to have the tent be dramatically lit with sleeping bags surrounding the inside. I want there to be one lan tern in the middle, and then more backpacks scattered around the floor. I believe this will look the most realistic, adding a more dramatic feel to the plot of the opening.

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Final Project

  The final project can be viewed by clicking on the hyperlink below.    DROPS  (Youtube)    DROPS  (Google Drive)