Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Scheduling Actors

   Today I spent the majority of class trying to get actors to be in my opening. I've been reaching out to kids that I know can act, whether they're in tv production or drama. I have reached out to 4 kids who I can see playing these roles. 2 of the actors already responded saying that they're in, while one still hasn't responded, and one said that it would have to be a different day. So now I am trying to reach out to a fifth actor, and if he cannot film on my preferred date, I will have to try and reschedule my shoot for another time. So, I am now updating this post as I have confirmed all of my actors. I am going to be filming on Saturday March 23 and Sunday March 24th.

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Final Project

  The final project can be viewed by clicking on the hyperlink below.    DROPS  (Youtube)    DROPS  (Google Drive)